Thursday 16 July 2015


This is going to be all about you. This is my way of publicizing myself to you cause I don't know any other way. And if there is, give me a sign. I'm desperately looking for one like Will Smith saw it in I am Legend, remember? Oh no, you didn't watch it.
Remember the long ridden horrible movie I made you watch forcefully? But as usual you had to leave early..and I was angry. Never mind, still loved you like forever.
I don't know if I ever told you this or not, you are beautiful and I loved you. I know you saw it in my actions when I never gave up on us while others did temporarily. I know you saw that. And I know you remembered that ALWAYS. That's why you forgave me later on cause you loved me.
I'm sorry I saw you less. I'm just sorry.
I know you're happy wherever you are. I wish I could have been there when you thought of me, even for a fraction of second, before going. I'm sorry I wasn't.
I'm sorry I couldn't...
I was planning on writing you in a beautiful fiction... in a fairy like idyll cause that is the best that would have suited you. I'm sorry I never expressed, took you for granted but I know I showed that I love you and you saw it. I'm still in denial, everybody else has accepted it. I don't know when I will.
Remember Virginia Woolf and her stream of thought? I am just following that right now.
Just read me..ok? just read me.
I LOVE YOU, forever. I'm never letting you go from my heart.
I'll try to write you better the next time..not giving up.