Thursday, 22 October 2015

To J

This is what you are called in my device. But don't words fall short for it?
Thank you for being with me in my worst and my best without any bias and impatience. I was always the priority when necessary for me. I never felt ignored and the only person to have made me feel beautiful about myself is you.
It's true that the prime reason I am with you is your cultural food :p nevertheless, the second reason is not the least, it being that I have unconsciously ingrained in myself your benevolent socially responsible qualities. I was never much bothered about doing the right thing as long as it didn't benefit me personally. The idea of truth and justice is what I've learnt from you. From you I've learnt a kindness that knows no bounds, a forgiveness which is granted too easily for good and an honesty which is not very typical of the human race today.
You made my dream of petting a lovely animal come true.
I've been selfish and mean to you a lot many times when I should have avoided it but you never returned the same.
I think you are a God sent to me so that I can have faith in what is  good and humble.
Thank you for being in my life.

Thursday, 16 July 2015


This is going to be all about you. This is my way of publicizing myself to you cause I don't know any other way. And if there is, give me a sign. I'm desperately looking for one like Will Smith saw it in I am Legend, remember? Oh no, you didn't watch it.
Remember the long ridden horrible movie I made you watch forcefully? But as usual you had to leave early..and I was angry. Never mind, still loved you like forever.
I don't know if I ever told you this or not, you are beautiful and I loved you. I know you saw it in my actions when I never gave up on us while others did temporarily. I know you saw that. And I know you remembered that ALWAYS. That's why you forgave me later on cause you loved me.
I'm sorry I saw you less. I'm just sorry.
I know you're happy wherever you are. I wish I could have been there when you thought of me, even for a fraction of second, before going. I'm sorry I wasn't.
I'm sorry I couldn't...
I was planning on writing you in a beautiful fiction... in a fairy like idyll cause that is the best that would have suited you. I'm sorry I never expressed, took you for granted but I know I showed that I love you and you saw it. I'm still in denial, everybody else has accepted it. I don't know when I will.
Remember Virginia Woolf and her stream of thought? I am just following that right now.
Just read me..ok? just read me.
I LOVE YOU, forever. I'm never letting you go from my heart.
I'll try to write you better the next time..not giving up.