Thursday, 22 October 2015

To J

This is what you are called in my device. But don't words fall short for it?
Thank you for being with me in my worst and my best without any bias and impatience. I was always the priority when necessary for me. I never felt ignored and the only person to have made me feel beautiful about myself is you.
It's true that the prime reason I am with you is your cultural food :p nevertheless, the second reason is not the least, it being that I have unconsciously ingrained in myself your benevolent socially responsible qualities. I was never much bothered about doing the right thing as long as it didn't benefit me personally. The idea of truth and justice is what I've learnt from you. From you I've learnt a kindness that knows no bounds, a forgiveness which is granted too easily for good and an honesty which is not very typical of the human race today.
You made my dream of petting a lovely animal come true.
I've been selfish and mean to you a lot many times when I should have avoided it but you never returned the same.
I think you are a God sent to me so that I can have faith in what is  good and humble.
Thank you for being in my life.