Saturday 28 July 2012

It all comes down to Sacrificing

1 My insides were empty before the sacrifice.
They swell with honor and a sense of spiritual fullness now that I’ve given a person what he really needed. The sincerity of his need and my empathy of it provided me the strength to sacrifice mine.  And it did me no harm, it only made me stronger to move forward, which would have been very difficult otherwise.

2 To give up is not always cowardice, it is something I can’t figure out yet but it’s definitely not cowardice. After all, what are you supposed to do if you are forced into doing something out of necessity? And you believe them when they say it is for your own good, and when you know that even if it does turn out as good as they said, it will only be superficial.
I write my name on the shore, the sea wave comes and washes it away. I write my name on the shore again, the sea wave washes it away again. I try to emphasize myself but they won’t let me, just like the sea. Obtaining delight out of vexing people like me is their hobby but I’m not vexed.
I know you are not like them, my dear, and that’s why I’m speaking this out to you. But I can’t go on like this, so I give up and it’s not out of cowardice. Perhaps it is a sacrifice; perhaps he needs it more than I need my life. So I’m giving up not for him but to save myself, I can only hope he finds solace in that.

3 I can see the truth so I will paint you in my words. I’m sure no one has had the chance to see your sacrifice but me and that you’ve served your purpose for someone else, but now that I’ve seen the divine truth in you, I’ll serve my purpose for you. I’m not giving up anything writing you down in my words, I’m only making you eternal as you continue to make me grow.
You, the one who sacrificed to move on, and you, the one who sacrificed to benefit someone else, you will live on forever in Art, Art which is mine and which I’m expecting not everyone will be able to understand this time.


  1. I know you wrote this whole post while having a story in your mind. This post is so difficult to understand until i know the real story running in background. This is again one of your painful post, i wonder why your's many posts anticipate pain..??

  2. Giving up - Moving on - Becoming detached - Sacrifice - Cowardice... it is interpretations that give them all an existence. Loved your interpretation here.

    Arvind Passey
