Tuesday, 26 July 2011

We can’t surpass God

With the growth of technology, right from its beginning in the Stone Age to the present age, mankind has been able to reach the zenith of success. From the variety of stone stools introduced in the Stone Age to the Mars Exploration Rovers brought into limelight in the 21st century, technology has helped us attain a position next to God himself.
As it was argued by Mirandola, the great philosopher, that God created man in his own image and called him a miracle, the statement seems to hold true till date. For, be it a beast or an angel, both are destined to follow their respective paths distinctively, wherein a human can mould himself into a beast or an angel as he fancies. Collectively, Predestination is a term associated with Angels and Demons and Free will is what is associated with Man.
Call it a clever use of mind or taking inglorious advantage of His power, man has proved himself equal to God. Belike Him, man can attain any state with the power of his imagination, he can create in his mind a world which is twice as better as our real world created by God, he is immortal as he lives on, eternally, in the memories of others even after his physical death, his soul lives on and he is remembered forever. He can CHOOSE either to be as heavenly as Mother Teresa or to be as cruel as Osama Bin Laden, something in which other living beings don’t stand a choice. We are the greatest creation of God, for us He made the Earth and all other planets, plants, trees, animals, waters, sun moon and everything in this cosmology. We are His inheritors, we are His children, we worship Him, and we stand Him prior to ourselves, nevertheless, what we don’t realize is that our actions are just a matter of pretence.
There has to be a stop to our pretences, there has to be a stop to our cruelty and there has to be a major stop to our ruin!
Not only spiritually, we are damaging ourselves practically too. The most precious gift given to us by God is being put to an ingenious yet disastrous mode. Global Warming, a term that every human is aware about, is increasing considerably; brothers are killing each other for materialistic reasons, the most crucial part of our lives: the flora and fauna of our world are becoming extinct. We are planning our death with very subtlety.
With astrologers making predictions about our end which is not so far, we can’t use the same ingenious gift of God to save ourselves for we must not forget: His will is always done. All we can do is delay our end as far as possible.
Now is the time to not merely talk about but also to act about our pretences. How hard is that to understand?

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